Our value ‘We Lead by serving others, working for the common good, modelling truth and justice’ underpin our leadership program across the school.

Students from Reception to Year 6 are encouraged and given an opportunity to experience leadership at a number of different levels;

In the classroom

With the teacher choosing monitors to help out on a daily or weekly basis ie: star of the day, lunchbox, office monitors 

Environment / Whole School  

Rubbish Club/ Bin Monitors  – Yr 2/3 initiative work on local, regional and global issues.  Yr 5/6 bin monitors.

Hospitality leaders -  Yr 6 students. This covers Tours of the school, any school function event


Reading Coaches – Yr 5/6 listen to Reception students & any ‘at risk’ students across the school every morning from 8.40-9am. They are coached in techniques by our Key Literacy Teacher.

Social Justice /ICT -  Yr 5/6 work on social justice projects, liturgies & Masses.

House / Sport leaders   - Yr 6 responsible for whole school fitness, PE Week, lunchtime activities

All leadership positions are supported and mentored by teachers and parents.


Contact Information

St Anthony's School
1 Castle Street, Edwardstown,
South Australia 5039

Telephone: 08 8115 7500





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Mission Statement

St Anthony's Catholic School is a community of learners who through inquiring minds and reflective hearts celebrate and nuture a love of God, each other and creation to become the good news for the world

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